Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Live SSTV Stream

I have built a webpage to display the latest SSTV images I have received. Please visit the following link.

Click here

The page format will be changing on a regular basis while I play with styles and formats so keep checking back to see its progression.

However, to initially set up the web page and other stuff, can be a bit cumbersome. The FTP Widget that uploads the images automatically in my view is sadly lacking and I will endevour to create a new widget that will also eliminate the need to create a template web-page for the live stream, add useful functionality and have the widget actually generate the HTML page for you, based on configurable options in the settings.

When I have successfully created the new app, I will send it to the origional author of the SSTV FTP widget for a review ( sorry John. Didn't want to steal your thunder ). I will also make it available for download with usage instructions when I am done. Watch this space.